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Welcome back. This is Managing New Product Launches. I am Ed Addison from NC State University. This is session 6 on sales forecasting. The one thing that you want to know about sales forecasting is that almost all sales forecasts are wrong. But some are useful and you want to do the best job that you possibly can. It's very difficult for new products to forecast sales. But we're going to give it our best shot.
Some of you may have heard of the satellite phone Iridium that was invented and launched in the marketplace in the late '90s and early 2000s. Iridium was a satellite based cell phone and it is notorious for having made a ridiculously bad sales forecast just about tanking the company. Reason it made a bad sales forecast is because Iridium assumed that just because a satellite covered the world that everyone would want to use theirs. But what they didn't see ahead of time is that their big handsets were weighty and expensive and when smartphones came out, nobody wanted the Iridium phone except people who needed to make calls out in the mountains or the desert. Their sales forecast was completely wrong and the reason why was because they made false assumptions about their market and about what their market would want.
The same thing was true of Tesla. There was an over exuberance in the beginning about how many people would buy a Tesla. The difference between Iridium and Tesla however is that after Tesla discovered that the demand wasn't as high, they were able to take corrective action in terms of getting the word out and getting the infrastructure out for their product including charging stations and then demand eventually grew successfully. Whereas for Iridium, the correction was never really made and bankruptcy and legal litigation occurred in that case. Now we're going to talk a little bit

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