Prof. Robert Harrison Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
1 TalkBiography
From a helminth vaccinology background, Professor Harrison started snakebite research in 2000 and pioneered systematic gene/protein analysis to guide rational development of new therapeutic strategies. Capitalising upon the accumulated multi-disciplinary translational-research expertise, knowledge, and collaborative network, the Centre for Snakebite Research & Interventions (CSRI) has developed over the years, and... read morewere competitively placed to successfully apply for ground-breaking research grants (MRC, NIHR, DFID, Wellcome, EU H2020 FET). The NIHR-funded African Snakebite Research Group and DFID-funded funded Scientific Research Partnership for Neglected Tropical
Snakebite projects represents the largest (~120 researchers), most multi-disciplinary, and geographically dispersed (Bayero University Kano, Nigeria; Institute of Primate Research, Kenya; Indian Institute of Sciences, India; International Aids Vaccine Initiative, Scripps Research Institute, USA research consortium) ever deployed to tackle the multiple medicinal, clinical, public health and socioeconomic challenges posed by tropical snakebite.