Prof. Gabriel Panayi King's College London, UK
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Gabriel S Panayi, ScD, MD, FRCP, is Emeritus Professor of Rheumatology at the School of Medicine King's College London, and honorary consultant Rheumatologist to Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals. He is past President of the British Society of Rheumatology. He has received numerous awards including Heberden Orator of the BSR,... read moreMaster of Rheumatology of the ACR and Meritorious Service to Rheumatology from EULAR. His most cherished award is the honorary MD from the University of Athens that he received in 2004. His main research interests are the genetics, pathogenesis and immunotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis in which he has published over 250 refereed papers. At present he is developing BiP as a novel therapeutic for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.