Open innovation in primary industries: agriculture and food

Published on September 29, 2021   15 min

Other Talks in the Series: Open Innovation and its impact on business and society

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Hello. My name is Maral Mahdad. I am a senior researcher of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Wageningen University and Research, the top agri-food University in the world. My research focuses on understanding open innovation processes, ecosystems formation and function, and collaborations. Today, we are going to talk about open innovation in agri-food industry.
First, we go through a few important concepts and definitions, both in the domain of open innovation and also in the agri-food sector. Second, we are going to discuss why open innovation, in the agri-food sector, is a relevant topic for discussion. Then, we are going through attributes and challenges of open innovation at three different levels; individual level, organizational or actor level, and system or ecosystems level. We finalize this session, by reflecting on what are the ways to move forward.
In 2014, open innovation was defined by Professor Henry Chesbrough and Professor Marcel Bogers, as a distributed innovation process, based on purposively managed knowledge flows, across organizational boundaries, using pecuniary and non-pecuniary mechanisms in line with the organization's business model.
As you can see, in the picture, the famous open innovation format in which external technology base, and also internal technology base, find their ways in the innovation process of an organization. Going through this path, internal technology bases might find their final destination, in other firms markets, the firm's new markets, and the firm's current markets. External technology bases, have the same opportunities to land in either firm's markets, or other markets. The main idea, is to create value, not only through traditional approaches of innovation, from in-house R&D direct to the firm's market, but also through other purposes and processes.

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Open innovation in primary industries: agriculture and food

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