China's BRI and the evolving rules in international dispute resolution

Published on July 31, 2019   33 min

Other Talks in the Series: China’s Belt and Road Initiative

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Good morning. My name is Mariana Zhong, I'm currently a law practitioner based in Beijing. Today, I am very glad to be invited to record a presentation on China's Belts and Road Initiative. The Belt and Road Initiative was announced in the year 2013 by China's new leadership and has attracted considerable attention from both home and abroad. It is a topic that has been extensively reported, presented on, and written about. Based on my own experience as an international arbitration lawyer, today, I would like to discuss the international dispute resolution mechanisms under the BRI, which is an area I've written several articles, advised clients, and delivered public lectures.
I will first briefly go through the background of the BRI, including the driving factors, the purpose, the goal, the state policy, and some available public statistics. I will then come to examine what potential risks may arise under the BRI cross-border investments and what are the types of potential disputes and their possible resolution mechanisms. On such a basis, I will proceed to discuss the two major dispute resolution mechanisms that I would recommend my investor clients to consider and stick with during their BRI activities which are international commercial arbitration and international investment arbitration. I will then set out some brief suggestions as takeaways for investors under the BRI and I hope my audience will find this presentation helpful.

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China's BRI and the evolving rules in international dispute resolution

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