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According to Oxfam, which is the confederation of 20 independent charitable organizations, the agriculture sector employs 60% of Cambodia's workforce and many farmers lack contracts with their clients. In April 2018, Oxfam launched the blockchain project. Blockchain from livelihoods, from organic Cambodian rice, BlocRice, in Cambodia. It uses smart contracts to improve Cambodian small-scale rice farmers' bargaining and negotiating power, and digitally connect supply chain participants. Agriculture cooperatives are parties to the contracts. Key parties involved in the smart contract include organic farmers and rice exporters in Cambodia and buyers based in the Netherlands. The term of the contract is that exporters will pay farmers the market price plus a premium. Such a condition would guarantee a market for the rice and reduce some uncertainties for farmers.
It started with organic rice farmers in Preah Vihear province in the central-north of Cambodia. The province is known for organic rice. Farmers own 1-2 hectares of land in average and produce 2.5-3 tons per year. BlocRice Project Phase I started with 50 farmers from the Reaksmey cooperative in one agriculture community in the province. Other parties were rice exporter, Amru Rice, and rice cake producer, SanoRice. The communication consultancy, Schuttelaar & Partners, and the Dutch affiliate of the international Oxfam organization and Oxfam Novib facilitated the process. By selling directly to SanoRice, middlemen were eliminated. The 50 farmers who participated in the BlocRice pilot project had agreed to provide 100 metric tons of rice. Since a late-season drought had led to the reduction of the rice production, they could deliver only 92.5 tons. The shipping took place in two containers to the Netherlands in March 2019. Oxfam outlined three focus areas: 1. Introduced blockchain technology to the organic rice value chain by registering all chain actors with unique identification codes on blockchain; 2. To introduce a smart contract between farmers, their agricultural cooperatives, exporting companies, and manufacturing company to ensure proper payments and transparency; 3. To design a consumer communication component from the Cambodian countryside to the retailer. Smart contract farming.

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