Bite-size Case Study

Walmart: blockchain usage in the supply chain

Published on October 31, 2023 Originally recorded 2023   6 min
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Let's see how a big company such as Walmart harnessed blockchain technology for building trusted relationships with their customers by providing transparent and sustainable solutions in the entire ecosystem. For doing that, I will use the Simon Sinek Golden Circle concept with three main questions: why they did it?; how they did it?; and what they have achieved? Why they did it. Trying to control each stage in the distributed supply chain process is a very difficult and inefficient task. Which brought the company and the whole market to the situation of food contamination scandals worldwide and losing trust of the customers. How they did it. The company decided to change the approach, and distribute the control over the process to its participants by giving them ownership on their work and data, making it transparent and accessible for everybody, including customers. For this mission, they chose IBM's blockchain solution based on Hyperledger Fabric. What did they want to achieve by making this change? They wanted to reduce time for tracking products, gain greater transparency promotion, build trust with the public, increase safety, reduce waste and energy of the entire ecosystem.
In the supply chain ecosystem, there are many participants which come from private and public sectors. So how do we build relationships between customers, retailers, manufacturers, farmers, and suppliers on the one hand and regulation, law, health care, and even academy organizations on the other hand?

Walmart: blockchain usage in the supply chain

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