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What is a smart city?
Actually, there are many
levels, many definitions,
and no one, generally
accepted vision
of what a smart city or what
the smart territory is.
Some of the definitions are very
narrow, centered on technology.
Others are very broad,
may be too vague.
At the Smart City Institute,
we have built our vision of
smart city on the model
of Nam and Pardo.
According to this model,
a real smart city (SC)
will incorporate
three components,
three factors;
technological factors,
human factors, but also
institutional factors.
Thus, the universe around a
smart city can
include initiative,
project in one, two,
or of course, ideally,
three of these components.
At the Smart City Institute,
we added an information
to this model.
The final objective
of all these dynamics
should be the sustainability
of the given territory.
Our definition of a smart city
is thus the following one:
a smart city is
a multi-stakeholders' ecosystem
composed of the government,
the local government,
the regional government
if we speak about the region,
citizens and related
representative associations,
multinational and
local businesses,
universities and
other institutions
engaged in a sustainability
using technologies,
such as digital technologies,
of course, as an enabler,
a facilitator, a means
in order to become
more sustainable.
I mean, considering
three aspects;
the economic prosperity
of the given territory,
the social well-being
there, and the
preservation of
natural resources.
Smart city transition implies
thus a profound change
and impacts many domains,
many aspects of a territory.
Here are some key information to
get from the talk at this stage.