Digital Transformation

Launched May 2022 Updated August 2023 14 talks
Prof. Anne-Laure Mention
RMIT University, Australia

The expansion in digital technology in business, the labour market, and economics is a transforming factor in the modern evolving society. There is significant evidence to show the impact of digital transformation on businesses, but also on humans and society. How businesses are affected by digital transformation is well documented.... read more

The way we work, live our lives, our human interactions have been significantly impacted by digital transformation, more evidently during the coronavirus pandemic. The challenges and opportunities provided by digital transformation at individual and societal levels is less documented. With the global crisis, research has been gathering pace and this series of talks aims to provide timely future-proof insights on these overlooked aspects.

The advent of digital transformation comes along with the emergence of new industries, markets and business models. This shift in ways of conducting business is affecting all industries and reshapes activities across the profit and non-profit sectors.

Digital transformation is even touted as a catalyst for a fairer and more sustainable society. Its potential as an enabler towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is a source of hope and empowerment, as multiple illustrations evidence.

The nature of work is rapidly changing as a response to increasing automation, and digitalisation of processes. Policy makers, industry leaders as well as education stakeholders are cognizant of the profound changes and the subsequent needs for upskilling, reskilling and new foundations for lifelong learning. Arguably, digital transformation is all about people, rather than about the technology itself.

Digital transformation brings opportunities and challenges to all of us. How we can turn these challenges into opportunities and make sure the opportunities are fully capitalised will be critical to the development of our future society.

Each talk in the series will contain at least one real-life example of 5-10 minutes, based on the experience of an actual organisation.

View The Talks (14 Talks)