Terms of Subscription

Advances in Online Education: A Peer-Reviewed Journal

  1. Advances in Online Education: A Peer-Reviewed Journal (the Journal) publishes case studies, best practice articles, research papers, briefings, reviews, editorials and other contributions in – among others – the following areas: technology enhanced learning in management education; new methods, trends and approaches in online learning; distance learning; new technologies in online education; learning environments including Computer Supported Collaborative Learning environments (CSCL); learning spaces; pedagogy; educational psychology; the learning sciences and educational evaluation and assessment.

  1. The Journal is published quarterly by Henry Stewart Publications LLP online on the Henry Stewart Talks platform at https://hstalks.com/business/journals/ .

  1. Henry Stewart Publications LLP owns the copyright of the Journal.

  1. Subject to (8) below subscriptions are free to view to all institutions and individuals on application.

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  1. Henry Stewart Publications LLP at its sole discretion reserves the right not to accept or grant a subscription from/to any organisation or individual. This may include any organisation or individual which is not one of the following: a bona fide institution providing education, an organisation supporting continuing professional development, a supplier of products and/or services supporting education or an individual who is not an employee or officer of any of the above organisations.

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  1. Registrants’ service queries, concerns or complaints should be sent to Gwen Yates, Subscriptions Director, at gweny@henrystewart.co.uk or by calling +44 (0)207 092 3465; 646 895 6129 (US).

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