Dr. Marieke de Mooij Cross-Cultural Communications Consultancy, The Netherlands
2 TalksBiography
For most of her life Marieke de Mooij (1943, Netherlands) worked in an international environment: for an international textile company, an international advertising agency, for an educational institute and for the International Advertising Association. She studied English language and literature at the University of Amsterdam and textile engineering in Enschede.... read moreAfter that she specialized in advertising and communication and received her doctoral degree at the University of Navarre, Spain, where she also taught international advertising as a profesora asociada. She specialized on the influence of culture on consumer behaviour, advertising and branding; analyzed databases on consumer behaviour across cultures and participated in several large scale international market research projects. She was visiting professor at many universities and colleges around the world and worked as a consultant for several large international companies and advertising agencies. Examples are Canon Europe; BBDO Europe; Iams petfood; 3M Company; Ogilvy&Mather London; Sara Lee/Douwe Egberts Netherlands and Spain; Shell Europe, Rotterdam; Shell International, London; TBWA advertising agency, Amsterdam; Unilever Research, Manchester and Vlaardingen; Epson Europe. She published several articles in academic journals on culture and branding, culture and consumer behaviour and culture and advertising. She published two books that are used at universities worldwide: Global Marketing and Advertising. Understanding Cultural Paradoxes 4th edition (2014) - Sage Publications; and Consumer Behavior and Culture. Consequences for Global Marketing and Advertising 2nd edition (2011) - Sage Publications. Her latest book is about communication theory and culture titled Human and Mediated Communication around the World. A Comprehensive Review and Analysis (2014) – Springer International. Her website: www.mariekedemooij.com.