Prof. David Seidl University of Zurich, Switzerland
2 Talks 1 SeriesBiography
David Seidl (PhD, Cambridge University) is Full Professor of Organization and Management at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and Research Associate at the Centre for Business Studies at Cambridge University (UK). He is senior editor of Organization Studies and a member of several editorial boards including Journal of Management Studies,... read moreStrategic Organization, Organization and Scandinavian Journal of Management. He is also a member of the executive board of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Past Chair of the SAP Interest Group at the Academy of Management and co-organizer of the EGOS Standing Working Group on "Strategizing: Activity and Practice." He has widely published on organization, strategy and the philosophy of science. His papers have appeared in journals like Journal of Management Studies, Organization, Organization Studies and Human Relations. He has (co-)produced several special issues and books, including, most recently The Cambridge Handbook of Strategy-as-Practice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).