Dr. Sue McKnight Sue McKnight Consulting, Australia
1 TalkBiography
Sue McKnight is the principal of Sue McKnight Consulting. She holds professional librarianship qualifications, a Bachelor of Business, a Master of Public Administration and her PhD focused on organizational development. Her major research interest is customer value discovery, especially as it relates to libraries and eLearning. She is a Fellow... read moreof the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (UK), the Higher Education Academy (UK) and the Australian Institute of Management. She was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the HEA for her services to support student learning. Prior to running her own consultancy, Professor McKnight was Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning Resources) and University Librarian at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Previously, she was Director of Libraries and Knowledge Resources at Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom. Prior to that, she was Executive Director of Learning Services at Deakin University, Australia. She also has special library and public library experience in Australia, as well as international consulting and facilitation experience. She was chair of the Academic and Research Libraries section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions from 2005-2009. She has also been an active member and the Australian Library and Information Association. She chaired the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) eBooks working party. Professor McKnight has also been a member of the Pearson Education Strategic Advisory Board, Bloomsbury Academic Library Advisory Board, Desire2Learn User Board and WebCT Product Advisory Board.