Prof. Robert A. Baron Oklahoma State University, USA
1 TalkBiography
Robert A. Baron (PhD, University of Iowa) is the Spears Professor of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University. He has held faculty appointments at RPI, Purdue, the Universities of Minnesota, Texas, South Carolina, Washington, Princeton University, and Oxford University. He served as a Program Director at NSF (1979-1981), and was appointed... read moreas a Visiting Senior Research Fellow by the French Ministry of Research (2001-2002; Toulouse). He has served as a Department Chair and as Interim Dean of the Lally School (RPI). He holds three U.S. patents and was founder and CEO of IEP, Inc. (1993-2000). Baron's current interests focus on the role of cognitive and social factors in entrepreneurship. He has published more than 120 articles, 35 chapters, and 45 books. Prof. Baron serves on the boards of AMJ, JBV, and JOM, and is an Associate Editor for SEJ.