Dr. Connie White Columbia College Chicago, USA
1 TalkBiography
Connie White earned her PhD in Information Systems from the College of Computing Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. She is a Research Fellow on the Crisis Communications Research Project at Columbia College Chicago, IL. Dr. White is the Director of Information Technology Solutions for Emergency Management (ITSFEM),... read morean education and consultation firm. She has published work in the Journal of Emergency Management (JEM), The International Association of Emergency Manager's Bulletin (IAEM), Natural Hazards Observer, International Journal for Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) and has a book being published in May 2011 titled: Social Media, Crisis Communications and Emergency Management: Leveraging Web 2.0 Technologies, published by Francis and Taylor, http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/details/9781439853498/.
Her current work explores how collaborative applications, social media, Free and Open Source Systems and Web 2.0 technologies can be leveraged together to support the decision making needs of crisis managers. She is a speaker both at home and abroad on the topic. She designed a web based module supporting real-time collaborative Decision Making for Crisis Experts contributed to the Sahana Disaster Management System, Eden, a free and open source system which has been used globally. More information and publications can be found at http://sites.google.com/site/conniemwhite/