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Building on thesis concepts, we can see that sensing may involve the direction of research and development, the tapping of external innovation, and the identification on market segments. Seizing then, can include the delineation of business models, selecting decision-making rules, and building loyalty and commitment inside the organization. Finally, reconfiguring can involve a variety of measures like decentralization, combining internal and external capabilities, providing incentives, and so forth. While these three types of micro-foundations are interesting, a complete explanation of the micro-macro link requires a much more detailed and further micro explanation from a strategy-as-practice perspective.
The strategy behind the iPhone involved different types of dynamic capabilities and underlying them were diverse micro-foundations. First, Apple sensed the need for a smartphone with a multimedia functionality. Second, Apple seized this opportunity and upgraded the phone to include an intuitive interface and diverse multimedia functionalities. Third, their reconfiguration included entry into the mobile phone market, the acquisition of mobile phone capabilities, and a recombination of them with their existing capabilities and also cooperation with the music and app industries. So while this constitutes a good description of the micro-foundations involved, the strategy-as-practice approach and the methods used within, could possibly provide an even more fine-grained description and explanation of the conditions and processes involved.

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iPhone: strategy-as-practice and micro-foundations

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