The growth of artificial intelligence in sales

Published on January 30, 2025   10 min

Other Talks in the Series: Key Concepts: Sales Management

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Hello. My name is Ken Meunier-Fitzhugh. And this talk looks at the growth of artificial intelligence and sales and will consider sales force automation,
big data, artificial intelligence.
The growth of virtual selling environments and digital platforms are driving customer purchases online and this is reconfiguring the sales process. Developing new software interactions through AI artificial intelligence help salespeople to manage customers and develop new sales communications and processes. Customer knowledge is built through the combination of sales technology, social media interactions, sales force automation, and the analysis of big data.
Sales force automation or SFA is the application of information technology that converts manual sales activities into automated processes through software application to improve efficiency and the optimization of resources. The SFA is a broad automation of processes that aim to make them as efficient as possible. Sales activities such as lead generation and prioritization, collecting information, processing orders, responding to customers, call logging, and data entry autofill can be part of the sales automation which standardizes activities and connects salespeople with other parts of the company. SFA allows salespeople to free up time from back office operations and focus on revenue generating tasks such as lead management, lead evaluation, and prioritization. Salespeople can then select prospects that are showing interest in the product and contact them.

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The growth of artificial intelligence in sales

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