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The case study I want to share today is about farmented. This food product was launched as part of the diesel program at Montana State University.
In the farm to market course, three students one graphic design major, a marketing major, and a nutrition major collaborated with a local farmer to develop a value added product. Each of their disciplinary perspectives were utilized to make a better product idea.
The course called for students to help local farmers be more profitable and sustainable. Their goal was to develop a product that was not just novel. I had to survive in a competitive marketplace.
Using the design thinking process, they had to think about two different users the farmers and those that would buy their product idea. Farmers are overwhelmed with work and are frustrated by how they lose a percentage of their crop each year due to external forces such as weather fluctuations, infestations, bruising, et cetera. It would be ideal to use crops that they ordinarily could not sell to supermarkets or at farmers' markets. Consumers are increasingly health conscious and care about buying local, supporting independent farms and food waste.
The team formulated this project definition statement. Farmers need a way to sell bruised be grate fruits and veggies and consumers want to eat food that makes them feel good both for their digestive health and psychologically. In terms of ideation,

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