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Welcome to Case Study
3 of this series.
I'm Roddy Mullin, a
business consultant
making retail firms
the professions,
government bodies, and charities
make money since 1987.
I'm both a chartered marketer
and a chartered engineer.
I'm also an author of
marketing and sales
books since 1999.
See the last one slide
for a list of my books.
Study this piece
of wood carefully.
It has a hole in it
and a bevelled end,
the circular stamp was
the logo of the initiator
of the promotion.
What is it? Are you intrigued?
The recipients of
the promotion were?
The answer is given
on the last slide.
It's not essential to the case
study to know what it is,
but it was the key creative
part of the promotion.
Though there are
many case studies
available to view online,
searching for them
is time-consuming.
As a practitioner, I
believe in presenting
real case studies that work
in their original format.
Research shows that agencies
refer to marketing books
with case studies included,
for instant results
when a client wants
an idea for a marketing
campaign by yesterday.
Of course, they modify the idea.
The latest book
"Promotional Marketing",
Second Edition 2018,
has 85 case studies
and 83 briefs,
which illustrates
promotional points
shown through case
studies and briefs,
which are many case studies.
This is a case study that I've
called Intellectual Property.
Intellectual property is a dry,
complicated, but increasingly
important branch of law.
Most companies, not least
promotional agencies,
need to think very carefully
about who owns the ideas,
trademarks, designs,
and copy that their staff
and subcontractors create.
Trouble is drawing up
the necessary
contracts, is something
that can always be put
off until tomorrow.