Bite-size Case Study

UCHealth and General Electric: the importance of storytelling in marketing

Published on July 31, 2019 Originally recorded 2018   4 min
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A part of artfulness you'll find in successful marketers is the ability to tell stories. While some CMOs are natural storytellers, others have studied storytelling like the craft that it is and improve their personal skills. Others have recognized that even with a courageous positioning, most organizations need to build a culture of storytelling in order for a new idea to become entrenched and shared by employees.
Among my favorite examples of artful storytelling, comes from Manny Rodriguez, the Chief Marketing and Experience Officer at UC Health, a hospital chain centered in Colorado. In my podcast interview with Rodriguez, he shares many secrets to storytelling, including the essential need for conflict and the element of surprise.
You'll see all of this in action in this video which features real patients of the hospital in a true story. Sometimes we'll be together and I'll forget just for a second. Everything seems I don't know, normal but then I remember that nothing about this is normal because ovarian cancer isn't normal. It's so rare. Only 0.01 percent of women get it every year. That's barely above zero. That's not normal but no matter what I'm going through, no matter how sick this makes me feel, this is how we fight together. Look at my daughter. She's 16 and she's tackling this with poised humor and grace. She gives me strength. How about that. A 16 year old girl gets a disease that strikes women in their '60s and she's the one who was trying to spare. Eight rounds of chemo and a seven hour surgery and today she's cancer free and completely normal. UC Health, your life your story.

UCHealth and General Electric: the importance of storytelling in marketing

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