Dr. Catarina Gadelha University of Nottingham, UK
2 TalksBiography
Eukaryotic cell surface biology has been the focus of Catarina’s research. Her group explores the biological functions and possible applications of novel surface receptors and transporters in human parasites. Of particular interest are African trypanosomes, the cell surface of which is the primary point of interaction between the organism and... read morethe environment. Successful infection and transmission rely on the molecular interactions that take place at this interface. The group uses cellular, molecular, genomic, and computational approaches to understand and disrupt the trypanosome cell surface, with an emphasis on mechanism-based research in basic and pre-clinical sciences.
Catarina is a Reader in Molecular Parasitology at the University of Nottingham, following postdoctoral studies at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, with periods of work at The Rockefeller University (NY, USA) and University of Colorado (CO, USA). She holds degrees in Genetics (BSc), Biophysics (MRes) and Molecular Biology (PhD) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).