Prof. Robert Lussier Springfield College, USA
5 Talks 1 SeriesBiography
Robert N. Lussier, PhD is Professor Emeritus of Management at Springfield College, USA. He has more than 475 publications, with 9,500+ Google Scholar Citations, and his articles have been published in the Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Family Business Review, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Small... read moreBusiness Management, and several others. His HSTalks are based on his Leadership: Theory, Application and Skill Development (SAGE, 2023), with co-author Christopher Achua. More than two million people globally have used his books, earning him an unsurpassed national and international reputation as an author and keynote speaker.
Dr. Lussier is the founder of Publish Don’t Perish (www.publishdonotperish.com – rlussier@springfield.edu) and through contact, his Publish Don’t Perish: The Top Secrets to Get Published book and workshops have helped hundreds of institutions and individuals in 80-plus countries get published. Dr. Lussier also consults to a wide array of organizations. In fact, some of the material in his books were developed for such clients as Baystate Medical Center, Coca-Cola, Friendly’s Ice Cream, National Institute of Financial Education, Mead, Monsanto, Smith & Wesson, the Social Security Administration, the Visiting Nurse Association, and YMCAs.