Dr. Christine Durham RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
2 TalksBiography
The life of Christine Durham was turned upside down after she sustained a severe brain injury in a horrific car accident. She was determined to return to teaching and employed her experience of acquired brain injury to inspire her students to think. Her pioneering approach and book, Chasing Ideas (Finch... read morePublishing), led her to gain an international reputation as a professional learning presenter. Her book ‘Unlocking my Brain Through the Labyrinth of Acquired Brain Injury’ (Jane Curry Publishing) is a deeply personal yet practical account of acquired brain injury. The book has had a profound effect not only on those who share her experience, but also on professionals working in health care. Educator, author, and speaker, Christine is a passionate advocate for promoting greater understanding about brain injury, and ways people with brain injury can learn to feel and fare better, and find ways to tackle their challenges.