Dr. Ann Parkinson Henley Business School at University of Reading, UK
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Ann Parkinson is Subject Area Leader for Managing People and Performance at Henley Business School at the University of Reading, UK. Ann specializes in People Management and Personal Development in the widest sense, working with organisations and individuals to develop their full potential through people. Ann is a Fellow of... read morethe Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and spent much of her corporate career working in human resources and organisational strategy building on a background in designing and introducing cultural and organisational change. Ann has been involved in management education at Henley since the early 1990s, supervising and mentoring MBA and doctoral candidates. Since joining the Henley faculty to take the role of subject area leader and responsibility for managing people and performance in the beginning of 2007, she has taught MBAs extensively both at Greenlands and around the world through the network of international associates.