International Marketing

Launched April 2024 Updated September 2024 4 talks
Dr. Glen Brodowsky
California State University San Marcos, USA

Times and technology continually change. The way businesses practice marketing today is
different from how it was done 10, 50, or 100 years ago. Social media has revolutionized the
way companies communicate with customers and, more importantly, how customers
communicate with one another. However, the basic principles... read moreof marketing have not
changed. Understanding customer needs and satisfying them with products and services
more efficiently and effectively, are still the keys to success.

Travel, communications, and logistics technologies have changed the market. Companies
have access to markets across the globe. Markets may seem to be similar across geographic
distances. However, interaction among increasingly diverse populations within any region
challenges marketers to understand the diversity within markets.

This series draws upon two handbooks recently published by Edward Elgar Publishing
representing the work of leading scholars of cross-cultural and intra-cultural marketing. The
talks offer insights into the principles and best practice of serving diverse market segments
in an ethical way, highlighting the wide variety of challenges and opportunities. All the talks
will include examples drawn from real organisations.