Prof. Salomé S. Pinho University of Porto, Portugal
1 TalkBiography
Salomé Pinho is the coordinator of the research group “Immunology, Cancer & GlycoMedicine” at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S) at University of Porto, Portugal and Professor at Medical Faculty of the University of Porto, Portugal. She developed her PhD research in cancer glycobiology at the Institute... read moreof Molecular Pathology and Immunology of University of Porto (IPATIMUP) and at Boston University Medical School, MA, USA. She then performed her postdoctoral work focused on glyco-immunology in Inflammatory Bowel Disease at IPATIMUP-University of Porto. The research focus of her group at i3S is on the understanding of the role of post-translational modifications by glycosylation in the regulation of key cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in cancer and in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, envisioning potential clinical applications. She is author of several publications in the field including Nature Reviews Cancer, PNAS, Gastroenterology, Cancer Immunology Research, Science Translational Medicine, Oncogene, among others. She is the Principal Investigator of several grants and international consortiums (including an ERC synergy) in the field of cancer glycobiology and inflammatory/autoimmune diseases. She was distinguished by the Society for Glycobiology with the 2020 Glycobiology Significant Achievement Award among other prizes.