Dr. Jean-Pierre Zellweger TB competence Centre, Swiss Lung Association, Switzerland
1 TalkBiography
Jean-Pierre Zellweger is a Swiss pulmonary physician, who started his training in TB in one of the last sanatorium in Switzerland. He has been chief of the TB Clinic at Lausanne University Hospital. Dr Zellweger is now retired and works as a TB expert for the Swiss Lung Association. Dr... read moreZellweger participated in several evaluation missions for TB programmes in Eastern Europe and Africa for the WHO, the ECDC, the Global Fund, the Swiss cooperation agency and The Union. Dr Zellweger published several studies on clinical aspects of TB and a multinational study on TB contacts in Europe. He was editor of the Swiss TB Handbook. He is co-author of the European Standards of Tuberculosis Care, of the WHO Consensus paper on the role of Surgery in TB, the European Consensus paper on contact investigations for TB and the WHO guidelines on the management of latent TB infection.