Prof. Nava Dekel Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
1 SeriesBiography
Prof. Nava Dekel earned her PhD degree at Tel Aviv University (1977). After a postdoctoral period at the Rockefeller University (1977-1979) and at the New York University (1980-1981), she returned to Israel and joined the Weizmann Institute of Science in the Department of Hormone Research, which she headed from 1992-1995.... read moreFrom 2005-2011, she headed the Department of Biological Regulation and was the Director of the Willner Family Center for Vascular Biology. She was promoted to Full Professor and the incumbent of the Philip M. Klutznick Professorial Chair of Developmental Biology in 2003. From 2000 to 2004, she served as President of the Israel Endocrine Society. Since 2015 she is a Professor Emeritus of the Weizmann Institute and presently serves as the Head of the WIS Institutional Review Board. The scientific interest of Prof. Nava Dekel is directed at female reproduction and her studies are published in over 150 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and conference proceedings.