Prof. Marta Cascante University of Barcelona, Spain
2 TalksBiography
Marta Cascante is Full Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Barcelona and leader of the Integrative Systems Biology, Metabolomics and Cancer team. She has authored over 200 publications, two of them cited in “Stryer” biochemistry textbook. She has been distinguished in 2015 with Icrea... read moreAcademia Prize and with the Narcis Monturiol Medal of the Catalan Government for her scientific merits. Research interests are focused on cancer and metabolic diseases with the goal of elucidating the networks and pathways that are fundamental in their development and progression. More specifically, her team uses a Systems Medicine approach to identify key proteins in the metabolic reprogramming underlying multifactorial diseases, including cancer, to be used as biomarkers or drug targets.