Prof. Tara Renton Kings College London, UK
1 TalkBiography
Tara Renton (Specialist in Oral Surgery) is a dentist with a particular interest in trigeminal nerve injuries and pain. She completed her dentistry at Guys (1984), Oral and Maxillofacial surgical training in Melbourne (1991), undertook a PhD in Trigeminal Nerve injury at KCL (1999-2003) and senior lectureship at QMUL (2003-6).... read moreOver the past 10 years at KCL Tara has developed:
• Education programmes
- UG teaching of dental students modernising the Oral Surgical teaching with minimal access approach
and modern LA techniques.
- Academic oral surgery training programme.
- The first orofacial pain Masters programme starting October 2017
- Supervised 8 PhDs
• Research
- In collaboration with Imperial College, UCL, Oxford University, Centre neuroscience imaging centre
IOPPN, Wolfson Institute Tara has established an international leading programme of trigeminal nerve
injury and orofacial pain research publishing over 150 peer reviewed articles and grants from MRC,
Grunenthal, Pfizer, Brit Pain Society.
• Service
- Tara leads the Kings Health Partners Orofacial Pain Service seeing over 2K OFP patients a year involving
oral surgery and medicine, neurology, neurosurgery, ENT, pain management, clinical psychology and
liaison psychiatry. Tara has set up two patient facing websites first a patient lead initiative resulted in the
development of the Trigeminalnerve.org.uk a website advising both patients and clinicians in preventing
and managing iatrogenic nerve injury in relation to dentistry and a website for patients with chronic
trigeminal pain (www.orofacialpain.co.uk).
• Policy
- Tara Lead patient safety for dentistry
- Chair M3M parameter of care guidance for FDS RCS
Tara is on the Dental Update Editorial Board, she has co-edited the BDA clinical manuals for Oral Surgery Books I and II, editor of Warman OFP book and editor of ‘The Art of LA’ with Andrew Mason. Tara is an elected member of the RCS England FDS Board, the RCS Eng National advisor for Oral Surgery, member of the Oral Surgery SAC and Dental Senate. She represents dentistry on the National Surgical Safety Board, she is London South CLRN lead and she is President of the British Association Oral Surgery.