Prof. Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer Medical University of South Carolina, USA
1 TalkBiography
Dr. Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer earned her PhD in Biostatistics from Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is currently a Professor of Biostatistics and the Director of the Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in... read moreCharleston, SC and the Director of Biostatistics for the Hollings Cancer Center at MUSC. She has served on Protocol Scientific Review Committees at both the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins and the Hollings Cancer Center for a combined 16 years of experience. She has authored numerous publications on trial design methodology for early phase trials in cancer research, and recently organized a symposium on early phase adaptive trial designs with national and international leaders in the field. She has served as a member of the Clinical Oncology study section of the NCI, is an Associate Editor for the journal Clinical Trials, on the Editorial Board for Cancer, and serves as a statistician on Data Safety and Monitoring Boards including a DSMB for the NHLBI Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network.