Dr. Mauro Ferrari Houston Methodist Hospital, USA
1 TalkBiography
Dr. Mauro Ferrari serves as President and CEO of Houston Methodist Research Institute (HMRI), where he holds the Ernest Cockrell Jr. Presidential Distinguished Chair. He is also Executive Vice President of Houston Methodist Hospital System and Director of the Houston Methodist Institute for Academic Medicine. He concurrently serves at Senior... read moreAssociate Dean and Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, in New York, and holds Adjunct and Honorary Professorships at many universities around the world. Dr. Ferrari's degrees are in Mathematics (Padova, 1985, Italy), and Mechanical Engineering (U.C. Berkeley, M.S. 1987, & Ph.D. 1989). He attended medical school at the Ohio State University (2002-03). Dr. Mauro Ferrari is a founder of biomedical nano/micro-technology, especially in their applications to drug delivery, cell transplantation, implantable bioreactors, and other innovative therapeutic modalities. In these fields, he has published more than 250 peer-reviewed journal articles and six books. He is the inventor of more than 30 issued patents, with about thirty more pending in the US and internationally. He has received many prestigious honors, and research funding from NCI, NIH, DoD, NASA, NSF, DARPA, DoE, the State of Texas, and the State of Ohio, The Ohio State University, and several private enterprises.