Ms. Liz Chapman Director of Library Services, British Library of Political and Economic Science, London School of Economics, UK
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Liz Chapman is Director of Library Services at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a Research Associate and Lecturer at the University College London Department of Information Studies. Liz's BA in Modern Languages is from Durham University and her Library Qualifications are from London University and the... read morePolytechnic of North London. She is a Fellow of CILIP. She has worked exclusively in academic libraries including Brunel University, Oxford University, where she stepped out of libraries for a year to be a Proctor, and University College London. She has many publications mainly in the areas of Collection Development and Management and is a founder member of the Fiesole Group which brings together Publishers and Librarians. She has acted as a consultant to architects, publishers and booksellers and as a reviewer of library services worldwide.