Dr. Guido Poli San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
1 TalkBiography
Guido Poli, MD, began his research on HIV/AIDS in 1984 at the "Mario Negri" Research Institute in Milan, Italy, providing among the first descriptions of perturbation of innate immunity in HIV infection. In 1986 he joined the NIAID, NIH, where he focused on the role of interferons and cytokines as... read moreregulators of multiple steps of HIV replication for which he received the NIH Award of Merit in 1992. In 1994, he became Head of the AIDS Immunopathogenesis Unit at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan; in 2002 he became Associate Professor of Pathology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. He received the European Society for Clinical Investigation Award in 1999. He is a past Associate Editor of The Journal of Immunology and AIDS and is currently the author of over 200 papers for a total impact factor >1,000 and an h index of 45 (calculated since 1989).