Dr. Janet Godsell University of Warwick, UK
2 TalksBiography
Janet Godsell is Dean of Loughborough Business School in the UK. Previously she was professor of operations and supply chain strategy at the University of Warwick, and a lecturer at Cranfield University School of Management. Before that she worked at ICI, Astra Zeneca, and Dyson. Trained as a mechanical engineer... read more(MEng & Man, MIME, CEng) Janet has an EMBA and a PhD in customer responsive supply chain strategy. Her research is inter-disciplinary, and focuses on the interface between marketing and supply chain strategy. She has publications in marketing, operations management, supply chain management and general management journals. Janet leads the Supply Chain Responsiveness in Practice (SCRiP) group, the objective of which is to accelerate the adoption of customer responsive supply chain strategy in practice.