Dr. Gabor Forgacs Assistant Professor, Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Ryerson University, Canada
1 Talk 1 SeriesBiography
Dr. Gabor Forgacs received his doctorate from the University of Economic Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. He is Assistant Professor at the Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Ryerson University, Canada and also a member of the Special Graduate Faculty of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the... read moreUniversity of Guelph, Canada. Dr. Forgacs has published articles in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, The Hotelier Magazine, The Rooms Chronicle, The Accommodator, The Canadian Lodging News and other. He has published in conference proceedings of the CHRIE (Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) and articles on Hotel-Online.com, ehotelier.com, hotelnewsresource.com, 4hoteliers.com, htrends.com, HVS Intrenational.com and other. Dr. Forgacs is frequently quoted and interviewed in the Canadian media.