Financial Services MarketingThe role and power of marketing in the financial environment

Launched October 2008 Updated June 2009 11 talks
Dr. Tina Harrison
Senior Lecturer in Financial Services Marketing, University of Edinburgh, UK

The financial services sector has undergone a dramatic process of change in recent times initiated by new competition, sophisticated consumer demand, technological opportunities and legal regulations. As electronic methods replace people and physical processes, the definitions of financial services and financial service providers are changing. This series of talks attempts... read moreto make sense of this rapidly evolving sector and demonstrates the role and power of marketing management in this context.

The aim of this series on financial services marketing is threefold:
• To explain the specific nature of financial services and the environment in which financial service providers operate
• To build knowledge of marketing strategies applicable to and used in the financial services industry
• To advance understanding of real-time challenges in this industry

View the Talks (11 Talks)