Dr. Tina Harrison Senior Lecturer in Financial Services Marketing, University of Edinburgh, UK
2 Talks 1 SeriesBiography
Tina Harrison is Senior Lecturer in Financial Services Marketing at The University of Edinburgh Business School, Editor of the Journal of Financial Services Marketing and author of Financial Services Marketing. She has published over 60 papers and contributed to 3 edited books. She has conducted research for a number of... read morefinancial organizations including Scottish Widows, AEGON, Girobank, Dunfermline Building Society. Her research interests include segmentation, loyalty, relationships and behaviour of financial services consumers in general with a specific interest in the adoption and use of the internet for financial services. She led a 3 year ESRC funded research project into the impact of the internet on the distribution of pensions. Her current research focuses on the influence of financial literacy and financial capability on pension planning and saving behaviour.