Dr. J. Rosser Matthews University of Maryland, USA
1 TalkBiography
J. Rosser Matthews earned a BA degree from the College of William & Mary with a double major in Mathematics and Philosophy. He then earned a Masters and PhD degree from Duke University through the History Department with a specialization in the History of Science and Medicine. His doctoral dissertation... read moredealt with the historical factors that shaped the emergence of the randomized clinical trial. In revised form, this research was published as a book entitled Quantification and the Quest for Medical Certainty, and focused on how the execution of clinical trials raise perennial ethical and scientific questions: how do researchers design methodologically rigorous studies that do not exploit the subjects who participate in the trials? In addition to his historical training, he has Masters degrees in both public policy and public health. In 2001-2002, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Currently, he is a Lecturer at the University of Maryland, College Park where he teaches science writing, history of science, and medical humanities.