Dr. Lou Grangeon Rouen University hospital, France
1 TalkBiography
Lou Grangeon has a position as a University Hospital Practitioner in the Neurology Department of Rouen University Hospital since 2020. She was trained as M.D. in Neurology (2012-2017, Rouen University Hospital, School of Medicine, Fr). She is specialized in cerebrovascular diseases and worked one year during her neuroscience MSc. degree... read moreat Paris-Lariboisiè€re Hospital on genetics of Moya Moya cerebral angiopathy. She obtained her PhD (2019-2022, Neurosciences in the laboratory of Pr Gael Nicolas, the Normandy Centre for Genomic and Personalized Medicine, Inserm U1245, Rouen University Hospital) focusing on the genetic component of early- onset Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy patients. She now shares clinical and research activities in the pursuit of her PhD with several publications on the molecular characterization of early forms of CAA.