Prof. Pratima Chowdary Royal Free Hospital, UK
1 TalkBiography
Dr. Chowdary is co-centre director for the haemophilia centre and specialises in the management of adult patients with haemophilia and related bleeding disorders. She is also the coagulation lead for HSL London and serves as a treasurer for the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors Organisation.... read more
She gained her basic medical degree from Osmania Medical College in India and completed her haematology training in London. She has been a consultant haematologist for 10 years and is the lead for the adult haemophilia multidisciplinary team. Her major research interests include personalised management, musculoskeletal outcomes, and lab assays for monitoring of replacement therapy. She has been an investigator on multiple clinical trials of novel and extended half-life products in severe haemophilia. She has set up a biobank for the department and has a special interest in biomarkers for joint disease. She is a member of the UKHCDO working party on musculoskeletal issues in patients with haemophilia, and is a panel member for the National Institute for Health Research, Health Technology Assessment Programme.
Dr. Chowdary is author or co-author of more than 30 journal articles and textbook chapters. She is a member of numerous professional societies including the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, British Society of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, European Association of Allied Bleeding disorders and the World Federation of Haemophilia.