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Prof. Nalini Pather University of New South Wales, Australia
1 TalkBiography
Professor Nalini Pather is the Associate Dean Education, Innovation at Medicine & Health, UNSW. She focuses on curriculum design, enhancing the student experience, and SoTL. She is the co-founder of the Health Universities Initiative, which frames a whole-of-university approach to student success and wellbeing. Nalini’s research focusses on medical imaging,... read morehybrid/digital education, and inclusive education. She has more than 25 years’ experience in educational innovation and design in medicine and health programs in several countries. She has several awards (Faculty, Vice-Chancellor, Australian Award for University Teaching) for her contributions to higher education. Nalini is the Chair of the International Program for Anatomical Education (FIPAE) of the IFAA, and an Associate Editor of Anatomical Sciences Education (Impact Factor, 5.9). Nalini is a Fellow of ANZAHPE and the UNSW Scientia Education Academy.
Nalini’s research focusses on medical imaging and radiomics for diagnostic systems, blended/hybrid program and curriculum design, immersive technologies such AR/VR and 3D printing, and inclusive education. Her PhD (2009) in the cell biology of wound healing and management, built on her Masters in Clinical Anatomy and Imaging. Her broad and deep expertise and understanding of medicine and health, equips Nalini to interrogate advances in medical technologies, enable translation to practice, and advocacy. Nalini is currently supervising five HDR students.