Prof. Alastair Sutcliffe UCL GOS Institute of Child Health, UK
1 TalkBiography
Professor Sutcliffe first started conducting research studies surrounding what was relatively new field ‘Health of IVF children’ some 27 years ago and has continued to this day.
More recently his studies have involved interrogation of large datasets and he has collaborated with researchers worldwide. When not doing research in... read morethis and other areas he is also a children’s Doctor
He has had many national and international prizes recognising his work and published 200 papers in this and other areas of child and women’s health. He has been able to observe changes in fertility practice and also a rise year on year of the rates of IVF births. For some years he has worked at UCL in the second most important child health research cluster in the world (by recent external review) He has also been a speaker worldwide on this topic. www.alastairsuctliffe.co.uk