Prof. Franco H. Falcone Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
1 TalkBiography
Dr Franco Falcone received a Degree in Biochemistry (Dipl.-Biochem.) in 1991, and a Degree in Biology (Dipl.-Biol.) in 1993, from the University of Tübingen. He received a PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Immunology from the Medical University of Lübeck in 1996 after 3 years spent working in the Research Centre... read moreBorstel. This is where he first came across the human basophils and developed a keen interest in their role. A Fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) took him to Edinburgh University (Prof. R. M. Maizels, Prof. A. G. Rossi and Prof. J. E. Allen). He then worked as a Scientific Manager of the Association of Clinical Research Centers of German Universities in Münster, Germany (2001-2003). He then returned to a research career with a Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship which took him to Nottingham, where he has been working since. He is now Associate Professor in Allergy and Infectious Diseases and works on the role of basophils in immunity against parasites, on the development of better and clinically relevant diagnostics for allergic sensitization, and on various microbial and helminthic pathogens (e.g. Helicobacter pylori and Schistosoma mansoni).