Prof. Lieven Nils Kennes University of Applied Sciences, Germany
1 TalkBiography
L. N. Kennes is professor of statistics and econometrics at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, Germany, with ten years of research and practical experience in the area of biostatistics and clinical trials. After receiving his diploma in mathematics, he worked as a research associate at the Department of Medical Statistics... read moreat the RWTH Aachen University Hospital. During that time, besides teaching biostatistics, he acted as statistical consultant assisting medical researchers of the University Hospital regarding the design, execution, evaluation and reporting of scientific projects and clinical trials. After receiving his PhD, he worked as a biostatistician in the pharmaceutical industry as statistical lead of various clinical trials (Phase IIa/b, Phase III, Phase IIIb/IV).
Since March 2016 he holds a professorship of statistics and econometrics at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, Germany and works as an independent statistical consultant in the pharmaceutical sector. His main research interests are randomization and selection bias in clinical trials, innovative dose-finding designs (MCP-Mod), Bayesian statistics, adaptive clinical trials and the application of machine learning techniques in biometrics/small sample sizes.