Dr. Fabien Jourdan French Agronomic Research Institute, France
1 TalkBiography
Dr Fabien Jourdan is a senior research scientist at INRA (the French National Research Institute for Agricultural Research). He is developing bioinformatics methods to study genome-scale metabolic networks aiming at, based on experimental data like metabolomics ones, retrieving parts of the organism metabolism affected by genetic or environmental perturbations. Fabien... read moreJourdan is leading the development of MetExplore web server (www.metexplore.fr) which is used by more than 400 users and developed by a group of 8 computational biologists. Fabien Jourdan is member of the board of the French National infrastructure for metabolomics and fluxomics, MetaboHub. Since 2015, Fabien Jourdan is president of the French-speaking Metabolomics and Fluxomics Network (RFMF).