Prof. Scott Shane A. Malachi Mixon III Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, Case Western Reserve University, USA
1 SeriesBiography
Scott Shane is the author of over 60 scholarly articles on entrepreneurship and innovation management, appearing in Management Science, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Decision Sciences, and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, and International Journal of Industrial Organization, among other journals.... read moreHe has written or edited ten books including Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The Costly Myths that Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Policy Makers Live By; Technology Strategy for Managers and Entrepreneurs; Finding Fertile Ground: Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures; A General Theory of Entrepreneurship: The Individual-Opportunity Nexus, Foundations of Entrepreneurship. Prof. Shane's current research examines: (1) how entrepreneurs discover and evaluate opportunities, assemble resources, and design organizations; (2) university spin-offs and technology transfer; (3) business format franchising; (4) angel investing; and (5) genetic factors in entrepreneurship.