Prof. Stewart Clegg University of Technology Sydney, Australia
2 Talks 1 SeriesBiography
Born in Bradford, England, Stewart Clegg was Reader at Griffith University (1976-84), Professor at the University of New England (1985-9), Professor at the University of St. Andrews (1990-3), and Foundation Professor at the University of Western Sydney, Macarthur (1993-6), before moving to UTS. He has produced many books, including the... read moreAcademy of Management award-winning Handbook of Organization Studies (1996, with Cynthia Hardy and Walter Nord), the eight volume Central Currents in Organization Studies (2003), Debating Organizations (2003), with Robert Westwood and most recently, the acclaimed Managing and Organizations: an introduction to theory and practice (2005) with Tyrone Pitsis and Martin Kornberger. He directs ICAN Research at UTS. Current and future work include projects developing and delivering several international encyclopedias, dictionaries and handbooks in the organizations field, writing a Foundations of Organization Science textbook on Power in Organizations (with Nelson Phillips and David Courpasson), as well as a very strong stream of top-tier journal publishing and research grant activities.