Prof. Colin Carnall Cass Business School, UK
1 Talk 1 SeriesBiography
Colin is Chief Executive Officer of Cass Exec the executive education faculty of Cass Business School. Prior to joining Cass Business School, Colin was Professor of Strategic Management and Associate Dean at Warwick Business School. Colin joined WBS from Henley Management College where he held a number of leadership roles... read moreresulting in the development and growth of Henley’s MBA portfolio, the school’s international expansion, and later its e-learning developments. From 1998, as Henley’s Director of Executive Development, he doubled the size of the executive program. He was appointed Professor of Management Studies at Henley in 1987 and has extensive teaching experience, both with students and corporate clients. Colin is also an active researcher and consultant in the field of strategic change, and has held non executive director appointments in both the private and public sectors. Colin is a regular contributor to conferences and corporate events in the fields of strategic change, organization design, management development, and e-learning. Colin’s publications include Managing Change in Organizations (FT Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003), now in its 4th edition. Colin is also the founder editor of The Journal of Change Management.