Prof. Dr. Hub Zwart Radboud University, The Netherlands
2 TalksBiography
Hub Zwart is Professor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Science (Radboud University Nijmegen, since 2000) and scientific director of the Centre for Society and the Life Sciences (CSG, since 2004). He studied philosophy and psychology at Radboud University Nijmegen (RUN), worked as research associate at the Centre for Bioethics... read more(Maastricht, 1988-1992), defended his thesis in 1993 and was subsequently appointed as research director of the Centre for Ethics (RUN). In 2000 he became Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Science Studies and, in 2005, Director of the Institute for Science, Innovation and society (ISIS) at the Faculty of Science (RUN). He published 14 books (2 in English) and > 80 academic papers (in English) as single or first author. So far, he successfully supervised 14 Ph.D. research projects. In 2004 he became director of CSG, funded by the Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI) and established at his department. He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Life Sciences, Society and Policy, together with Ruth Chadwick. The focus of his research is on philosophical and ethical issues in the emerging life sciences from a ‘continental’ perspective (dialectics, phenomenology, psychoanalysis), notably genomics, synthetic biology and neuro-science. Special attention is given to the use of genres of the imagination (cinema, novels, plays, poetry) in research and education.